
Monday, February 3, 2014

Last week’s class motto was: On Task, On Time

This week’s class motto is: Do Your Best- Every Time

This week we will discuss the importance of always doing your best. Why wait to be asked? Why not put in your best effort the very first time! I will explain to students that doing your best means taking time, putting in the effort, and giving it all, the first time.

It is that time again as we will attempt to hit 5000 Box Tops this quarter!

Currently, we are at 275.

We are in need of the following supplies: tissues, whiteboard erasers, lined loose-leaf paper

Below is a breakdown of what we will be doing in class this week:

Language Arts- We will continue reading The Magician’s Nephew.  Narnia is created! What adventures will Digory and Polly and the gang encounter now?

Take some time and discuss the book with your child. They are really enjoying it and have much to say during class. There will be a lot of difficult vocabulary associated with this book. Please review your child’s vocabulary each night.

Grammar- We will continue to classify and diagram sentences with direct objects. This is also a GYV week. Ask your child to show you a diagram.

History/Geography – We continue our trip through Arizona.

Science– Students will take the chemistry test on Tuesday. This week we begin our study of magnets. I am hoping for experiments, activities, and lots of fun stuff that is associated with electricity and magnetism!