
Monday, October 20, 2014

This week’s class motto is: Be Confident

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: Perseverance 

Send me e-mails on how you see your child showing perseverance.

Each week we will discuss a class motto. This week we will cover confidence. We will discuss how the students can show confidence in their attitude, ability, and overall performance. We will temper this with humility.

Supplies Needed:

Black dry erase markers
Magnetic dry erase board erasers

Next two weeks at a glance:

History: we finish our study on Islam and the Franks. There will be a test on Friday. Next week we move to a study of Charlemagne, followed by life of serfs living on a manor.

Science:   we begin a unit on geology. “Geo”, from Greek, meaning earth and logos, from the Greek, meaning “the study of” .Students will read about rock formation, volcanoes, and learn how scientists theorize different ways the continents were formed.

Language Arts: We completed our reading of The Princess and the Goblin. We will hold final discussions this week. Our next book is one of my favorites, Robin Hood! In grammar, students will continue diagramming as they learn adjectives and article adjectives.

Math:  Students will finish the unit on order of operations and move into negative numbers. Of course, I mean a study of negative numbers. There will be a test next Friday.