
Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 17th

This week’s class motto is: Think Before You Speak


Send me e-mails on how you see your child showing courage.

Each week we will discuss a class motto. This week we will discuss thinking before you speak. It is not just about staying silent when expected to be silent. It is also about formulating good thoughts before you answer.

Supplies Needed:


Next two weeks at a glance:

History: We continue our voyage to the Middle Ages. During the next two weeks, students will read about William the Conqueror and then the 100 Years War. They will learn about deceit in regards to Thomas Beckett. This portion of the study ends with a look at a very powerful woman, Eleanor of Aquitaine.  

Science:   We continue the unit on geology. This week, and next, rocks are introduced. What are rocks? Where do they come from? What do they become? Students will discuss these things and more.

Language Arts: We continue reading Robin Hood. Right now, there is a debate as to whether Robin is a hero or a villain. We will introduce the readers to new characters this week.  There will be numerous writing assignments and daily discussions. Stop on by to see a discussion!  

In grammar, students will continue diagramming as they learn about direct objects and indirect objects. 

Math:  This week, we begin fractions! This is an exciting unit and there are many hands-on activities.