
Friday, October 14, 2016



12:05/12:25 Dismissal



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This week’s class motto is: Back to Basics

Each week we will discuss a class motto. The next two weeks we will talk about going back to basics. The break is a time of rest, but also a time to forget the structure and guidelines that are in place. We will go back to basics and review the rules and guidelines of the class.

The next two weeks in class:

History: Students will take a closer look at important figures in Europe this week, including William the Conqueror, Henry II, and Thomas Beckett.

Science: Students will spend the first week of the quarter learning about the classification of living things. They will start by defining what a living thing is and what it needs to survive. They will end the week by learning how and why scientist classify living things. 

Language Arts: In Language Arts, students begin the adventures of Robin Hood. This is a great story full of action, adventure, and love! In Spalding, there will be more words and more markings. In grammar, students will continue the classifying and diagramming of sentences, turning their focus to more parts of speech.

Math: Students will continue working on multiplication and division. There will be nightly homework, and much work dedicated to the multiplication tables.