
Saturday, September 30, 2017

This Week:

Language Arts: In language arts, students will take a monthly Spalding assessment that helps us track their growth and then they will learn new words and review the phonograms. In literature, students will continue reading Ronia. In writing, students will begin the second opinion paper. 

Math: In math, students will finish the chapters on the four operations and will finish with a test covering the first two units. 

History: This week is Chilvary Week in history. Students were assigned their knight or maiden on Thursday. The focus this week is on the role of a knight in the Middle Ages. Chapters 6-10 will be tested on Friday. 

Science: The study of plants continues this week in science. Students will learn, and be expected to memorize, the parts of a flower. They will learn about plant reproduction and how seeds are dispersed. There will be a quiz toward the end of the week on plants.