
Monday, December 2, 2013


Soon, I will send out the signup genius for the mandatory 1st semester conferences. This will be a great time of discussion about your child. Please start thinking of any questions you may have.

PLEASE order The Magician’s Nephew:

We are in need of the following supplies: tissues, whiteboard erasers, lined loose-leaf paper

This week we will study the following:

Language Arts: Students will continue to read Robin Hood. As we near the end of this epic story, students will be challenged to think about the character traits of each character in the story. We will have deep, focused discussions about the characters and see if we can relate to any of them.

Science: This fantastic unit on meteorology continues this week as students will learn about weather fronts and maps. This completely ties in to their previous knowledge and what they have been studying.

History: Europe in the Middle Ages concludes with a unit exam. We then begin our study on China. This is more of a snapshot unit as we do not delve into much of the major components of Ancient China, rather share with the students some highlights from various dynasties.