
Friday, December 13, 2013

WEEK OF 12/16

Winter Schedule:

Wednesday, 12/18                          HALF DAY  School will release at 12:15/12:30

Thursday, 12/19-Monday, 1/6    NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, 1/7- Thursday, 1/9        HALF DAYS  School will release at 12:15/12:30.  

Friday, 1/10                                    FULL DAY

Reminders about half days:

·        There is no lunch hour on half days.  Please remember to pack your students a big snack on half days.

·        Athenaeum is always available on half days until the regularly scheduled time for those students who are registered.


If you have not signed up for a semester conference, please do so at this link: This will be a great time of discussion about your child. Please start thinking of any questions you may have.

PLEASE order The Magician’s Nephew:


Food/Supply donations:
Volunteer slots:

We are in need of the following supplies: tissues, whiteboard erasers, lined loose-leaf paper